Aloha friends and neighbors!

Welcome to our new website! We are excited to have another way to communicate with our community. We hope you find this site to be informative and an easier way to find everything Cymbidium Acres in one place. We are a volunteer board and are hoping to always be growing and improving. We live in a very unique community in a unique town on a unique island. The gifts and blessings of living here don’t come without a few challenges. (If you have lived here longer than a week you probably know some of these challenges first hand.) I would love for our little community to be a support for each other and feel like a safe place to live. We are all better together!

We have a new program to hopefully update and streamline our payment options to several digital options. If we have your current email address on file, we can now accept ACH, Credit Card, PayPal or Venmo. If we don’t have your current email address, please get that to us ASAP so we can keep your account updated. (It will also save a considerate amount of money that we spend on postage.)

The Board is actively seeking a few new board members. If you are interested in helping, please let us know. We would love to find someone with some accounting experience to take over as treasurer. Our very capable and hard working current treasurer Kris Scanlon is long overdue his retirement. We also have 2 positions as general board members if you just want to get your proverbial feet wet and see what we do.

The Board would like to thank the members who participated in the Annual Meeting. The draft meeting minutes are always posted on this site under the ‘Members’ ‘Meeting Information’ Tabs. The 2025 Budget and Road Maintenance  Plan both passed with 48 votes for and 0 votes against or abstaining.  (If you wish to attend the next board meeting, see the zoom link below under upcoming events.)

A big mahalo to those who have submitted their assessment payments and Proposed Bylaws Changes ballots.  If you have not yet submitted yours, please do so by the due dates indicated in the ‘Upcoming Events.’ Ballots can also be submitted via email to

Finally, I would like to thank all of those who are currently serving on our volunteer board for all of the hard work they do behind the scenes. (And trust me there is a lot of work being done!) There is still so much we are working to achieve but I am proud of all of the hard work that has been done by everyone on the board both in the present and the past.

Mahalo nui loa,

Gigi Lee

Upcoming Events

Mowing, spraying and repairs are all weather-permitting, and subject to the availability of volunteers. (Volunteers are always needed and most welcome!)

Weather Statistics

Recorded at weather station KHIHILO73, at